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Which system component is right for your organisation?

25 Apr 2024

Which system component is right for your organisation
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An effective staff safety system is paramount to providing quality, efficient care in healthcare environments. Where staff feel protected against the risk of violence, productivity improves, and job-satisfaction increases.

Our systems are successfully used in a variety of high-risk settings, including mental health facilities, schools and correctional facilities.

But what is best for your organisation? We explain some of the key benefits of our different system components below:

Personal Infrared Transmitters (PITs)

Our Personal Infrared Transmitters, or PITs, serve as personal safety alarms, allowing staff to activate calls for “Assistance” or “Emergency” easily and discreetly. When a call is made from a staff panic alarm an alarm tone is emitted (if necessary) and pinpoints the exact location of the call, relaying the information to the response team in less than 85 milliseconds. Because of this, PITs are particularly useful in settings where staff are at risk of violence and need additional support.

Over Door Lights (ODLs) 

Over Door Lights (ODLs) highlight where assistance is required, activating outside of a room in order to alert a staff response. ODLs can both display a visual signal and emit audio to highlight the level and type of call triggered. Doing so allows the support team to assess the response required, identify the location of the alarm and take rapid action.

The different call levels required will in part depend on your organisation. Pre-set alarm levels include “Emergency” (red), “Assistance” (green), “Patient Call” (orange), although multiple levels can be set up for various needs.

Alphanumeric Display Units (ADUs) 

Our ADUs act as visual signals to demonstrate the exact location of an incident or emergency. Capable of highlighting up to 10 incidents simultaneously, each shown in succession, ADUs are crucial for high-risk settings where staff regularly experience violence and service-users are deemed vulnerable.

Levels of call are altered depending on the nature of the incident and include “Patient Call”, “Assistance” and “Emergency”. If needed, we can integrate an insistent tone within the ADUs to further alert staff.  

Patient Call Buttons 

In healthcare settings such as care homes and hospitals, patients often need to call or alert staff. Our Call Buttons enable service users to do just that. Depending on the support needed, patients can trigger either assistance or emergency level with a quick press of a button.

An independent unit that does not require connection to other systems, patient call systems should be mounted in an accessible to provide efficient and direct assistance.


Pinpoint’s WristPIT is a wrist-worn Personal Infrared Transmitters (PITs) used by patients to call for assistance in hospital or care settings. 

Designed exclusively for patient use, the WristPIT emits a “Patient Call” tone when activated, alerting staff that help is required. Worn on the wrist of the service-user, the WristPIT pinpoints the exact location of the call, allowing the support team to act immediately. 

Mobile App 

An innovative tool for staff and CEOs alike, the Pinpoint Mobile app shares vital information from your Pinpoint system to mobile devices and desktops, ensuring all staff remain informed regardless of their location.

A user-friendly solution, the Mobile app removes the need for paging systems by offering guaranteed delivery, improved functionality and a range of customisable features. Mobile devices are alerted when an alarm is received, vibrating audibly and displaying a notification that indicates the level of the call, the system of origin, the zone and precise location of the incident.

As you can see, we have a variety of different tools that can be used in the workplace to ensure greater staff safety. Which option, or options, is best for your organisation will depend on your specific needs and challenges.

Interested in installing our system components to protect your staff? Contact us here to get the best solution for your organisation

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