Twin Code Perpetual PIT Mk2 - No Guarantee
Product code: 312.3
£100.00 / €130.00 excl. VAT
The Perpetual PIT Mk2 is a Personal Infrared Transmitter to be used by staff to activate the system.The Perpetual PIT Mk2 emits an Assistance alarm signal when the button is pushed and an Emergency alarm signal when the PIT has been pulled from its retaining pin.
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Product description
The Perpetual PIT Mk2 is a Personal Infrared Transmitter to be used by staff to activate the system. Unlike the 316, the 312 uses a rechargeable supercapacitor instead of a battery.
It is recommended to be worn at waist level and ‘energized’ by an Energizer Station before shifts start or after use in an Emergency.
The 312 is a Twin Code PIT – it emits an Emergency alarm signal when the PIT has been pulled from its retaining pin and an Assistance alarm signal when the button is pushed. When the PIT has been pulled from the pin, infrared light is immediately transmitted to the receiver in the room. There is no need to point the PIT directly at the receiver units for the alarm to trigger.
Product specification
- Model No: 312.3
- Power Source: Supercapacitator
- Size: Length 82mm x Diameter 25mm (Cylindrical)
- Veri/Biomaster: Yes
- Guarantee: No
Datasheet - Perptual PIT
The Perpetual PIT Mk2 is a Personal Infrared Transmitter to be used by staff to activate the system.