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How to choose a staff attack system for high-risk workplaces

27 Jul 2024

Pinpoint P2 System
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With new legislation being introduced to improve employee health and safety, the demand for staff attack systems in high-risk workplaces is on the rise. Environments where employees are at risk of abuse from service users, such as hospitals, mental health facilities and even schools, require efficient, powerful staff alarm systems that ensure the swift intervention and de-escalation of violent incidents.

The question is how to choose the most appropriate system for that environment. With several options to choose from and many different factors to consider, selecting the right staff attack systems for a workplace requires careful evaluation.  

Efficiency & Speed 

When it comes to preventing an aggressive attack, quick intervention is crucial. In high-risk settings, service users can quickly become hostile with little to no warning. For this reason, it is crucial that employees on the receiving end of such behaviour can summon assistance quickly and easily. The longer a safety system takes to activate, the higher the risk of an assault taking place.

The Pinpoint system activates in just 85 milliseconds; the mere push of a button on a personal alarm notifies the response team of the exact location and risk level of an incident almost instantaneously. Such efficiency allows responders to quickly attend the scene and prevent a serious attack.


Equally, the accuracy of a staff safety system is a key consideration. When an alarm is triggered, the response team should be informed of the exact location of the call – allowing for rapid intervention and thus prevention of harm.

This is particularly true for large facilities with multiple floors and rooms. Safety systems that identify the exact room in which an alarm has been activated ensure support staff can reach the location in a timely manner.

In instances where multiple calls have been triggered simultaneously, display devices should highlight the precise location and nature of each call to allow responders to allocate support as required.



Staff safety systems for care workers should be simple-to-use and easily accessible. In the face of hostility or violent behaviour, staff must be able to trigger an alarm easily and without alerting the aggressor.

This was a key factor in the development of Pinpoint’s new P2 System, which benefits from a more sophisticated, discreet design that allows staff to swiftly call for help without attracting attention. Worn on the staff member’s uniform, the P2 personal alarm is lightweight and easy to use. Employees facing hostile behaviour from a resident simply press a button on the device to call for assistance. In more high-risk situations where a service user is becoming visibly aggressive, the worker pulls a pin from the bottom of the device to sound an emergency alarm.


Vandalism of safety systems is not uncommon in high-risk work settings, as service users can tamper with or abuse the devices out of frustration. Choosing a robust safety system is therefore an important and cost-effective measure.

It is for this reason that P2 by Pinpoint employs an anti-vandal fascia design to withstand tampering or vandalism from service users. The robust exterior improves product longevity and performance while minimising excess costs.  

Follow up support 

How much follow-up support is offered should be taken into consideration when purchasing a staff attack system, as should the availability of a warranty period and assistance with maintenance issues.

Pinpoint's 12-month free warranty offers maximum reassurance to our customers. During this period, we carry out preventative maintenance inspections and make any necessary adjustments to ensure the continuous high performance of your system. Our product technicians in the UK and Ireland are available for repairs, while our 24/7 dedicated helpline service provides guidance on any concerns or enquiries.

As rates of violence toward staff in high-risk workplaces increase, so too does the need for powerful, efficient staff safety systems in care facilities. Choosing the right system will depend on the organisation in question, the security needs of the staff and the threat posed by service users. Keeping the above factors in mind will serve as useful guidance for facilities looking to make the best choice for the safety of their employees.


Interested in learning more about our P2 System? Visit our product page here.

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